14 Jun

Entry #27


Hello all, great news!

>You can listen to Windsor’s radio debut!!! on 94.9FM San Diego or

>online @ fm949sd.com tonight!!!

>Sunday 6/13 on the 8pm show!!! If you have time to call in and/or

>e-mail a request before or after the show to 94.9FM SanDiego your

>support is greatly appreciated. Your calls help us more than you



>What’s your favorite Windsor song?


>1)El Mundo(when the world starts turning)

>2)Miss You

>3)Sell Yourself


>Your requests will determine Windsor’s first single!

>(any san diego area code or 619)570-1949


>Hopefully we’ll see you at the Warped Tour!!!


>Willie, Jaime, Micah, and Ian


>you can check out new songs and videos @



>new Windsor album “Melting Highway” now available!!!


>Forward this to friends if you can!!! Thanks..

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