26 Jan

Entry #5


This week was a fast-paced productive one. Windsor finished tracking a new song called “Unconditional” which we are all very happy with. Our recording date, which was the 24th of January, was also my parents 28th anniversary which helped us add extra love into the song. Orange Whip studios proved to be an excellent place to record some great sounding music and I can’t wait to hear what everyone thinks about the new tracks. This new song will definitely make the new album in addition to the 11 tracks that are already complete bringing the track total for melting highway to 12. I would like to write an extra special thanks to my wonderful girlfriend Kristen, who gave me such an amazing gift for my birthday making this recording possible.

I spent a good portion of my week driving back and forth from Santa Barbara to Los Angeles to San Diego to Los Angeles and Back to Santa Barbara and then all over again. I received the first hard copy of The Painted Zebra book on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr’s birthday, which was kind of cool as well if you happen to know what happens in the book. I am quite crazy and my girlfriend will confirm that one for me. I will be glad to be staying in Santa Barbara for a while with not as much driving, I hope. LA traffic sucks.

I am also very happy to announce that Windsor’s new lawyer, Richard Joseph, who has an excellent reputation in the music business in Hollywood, has confirmed to me that Windsor is ready to shop the new album to major labels. He is behind our music and will be meeting with several record labels in the very near future.

Well more exciting news, Micah managed to break one million points on the pinball machine at Orange Whip studios. Jaime managed to make everyone laugh because of his extremely funny expressions while recording his artful lead guitar riffs, and Willie managed to keep his sanity through the normal craziness of life. Hope you all have a great week and thanks for the e-mails. I will do my best to get back to everyone in a timely manner.


One Eyed Willie

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