Willie is working on a coffee table book called Rolling Scones!
(In the book will have Rock n’ Roll Artists photo-shopped together with Food and drinks…ARE YOU READY!?)
Here are a bunch, can you think of a new one!?
Al Green Beans-Alicia Keish
Bon Bon Jovi-Bob Barley-Bjork Peppermint Patties-Buns n’ Roses-Blink-182% Milk-BudWeezer
Cracker Jack Johnson-Crosby Stills & Mashed Potatos
Depeche A la Mode-Death Cabernet For Cutie
Elvis Parsley-Escar Go Go’s
Frank Cilantro-Fruit Fighters-Faith No S’mores-Fleetwood Mac n’ Cheese-Flaming Chips
Grateful Bread-George HarriSun flower seeds
Hootie & the Blow Fish & Chips
Iggy Popsicle
John Lemon-Jeff Brockley-James Brownie
Kettle Korn-Kenye Western Bacon Cheese Burger
LL Cool Whip-Leonard Ice Cream Cohen-Lionel Richeese
Marilyn Merlot-Motley Crue-tons-Mozartichoke
Nirvodka-Nelly Fertata-Nine Inch Snails
Oashish ka bob-Oreo Speed Wagon
Paul Salmon-Paul Mc Cauliflower-Pearl Yam-Paula Odoul’s
Queens Rice-Queen Fahita
Red Hot Chili Dogs-Rolling Scones-Ringo Starburst-Ravioli Shankar
Smashing Pumpkin Pie-Slim Jimi Hendrix-Soup Doggie Dogg
Tom Patte-Tuna Turner
U2% Milk-Unwritten Slaw
Veal Young-Vanilla Ice Cube
Wu Tang Clam Chowder
Xtreme of Wheat
Young M Sea Food
Zwan Ton-ZZ Top Sirloin!
Can you think of any more!?!
Thanks for your awesome comments!