New Music Food Addiction Sweeping the Nation…
Squish an artist or band name with a Food or Beverage
(are you ready to become addicted?)
Al Green Beans
Bon Bon Jovi
Britney Skewers
Cranberrie Sauce
Crosby Stills and Mashed Potatos
Depeche A La Mode
Elvis Parsley
Elvis Costjello
Frank Cilantro
Fruit Fighters
Grateful Bread
Guns n’ Rosemary
Hot Hot Meat
Iggy Popsicle
John Lemon
Jimmy Sage
James Brownie
Kettle Korn
Lionel Richeese
Marilyn Merlot
Nick Cave and the Bad Sunflower Seeds
Otis Breading
Paul Salmon
Queens Rice
Rolling Scones
Smashing Pumpkin Pie
Soup Doggy Dog
Tuna Turner
The Meatles
U2 % Milk
Veal Young
Yellow Cod
ZZ Top Sirloin
Can you think of anymore?!!!!
(Download our new Windsor Song JUST MAYBE for FREE at Windsors profile on! Thanks for listening!)