17 Dec

So it was kinda funny, The San Diego Union Tribune newspaper was doing a story on musicians and their day jobs and they picked me as one of the 4. I did the interview with this guy named Mike who was pretty cool and then they sent a photographer over to my house to take a profile shot with my guitar. This woman (the photographer) named Crissy set up this large black back drop at my house and then took about 100 pictures of me with my guitar! It felt cool because it made me feel like a rockstar but at the same time it felt kind of silly because I’m pretty sure that they are only going to use 1 picture for the paper out of the 100 taken-ha ha- the next shot she wants to get is my Dad and I because I work part time for him doing some accounting and management for him at his Construction Company called James P Chambers Construction. It’s been great working for my Dad because it’s really flexible and it allows me a great amount of time to work on writing and music. It will be interesting to see Crissy try to get a shot at the jobsite- I hope she doesn’t need 100 shots at the site!

(I was bummed that Tookie died. An eye for an eye and the whole world is blind.)

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