15 Jun

Entry #27B


Windsor’s song “Miss You” aired for the first time on 94.9 FM in San Diego June 13th a little after 9PM! Anya, the DJ gave us a great plug for the Warped Tour mentioned our website at windsormusic.net and gave Windsor “demo cd of the week!” Thanks to everyone who called in and requested it and for asking to hear more Windsor songs! I’ve heard through the grape vine that they will be playing more Windsor again throughout the week so listen when you can to 94.9FM in San Diego or online at fm949sd.com . Thanks again to those of you who bought our new album,

We greatly appreciate your support!


To request a Windsor song on the radio:

Song choices:1.El Mundo 2.Miss You 3.Sell Yourself

e-mail anya@fm949sd.com or call (any San Diego area code or 619)570-1949

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