19 Jun

wow, what a weekend!

I started off recording at a great studio in Montecito, CA near Santa Barbara.
I called up one of my good friends and great guitarists Aaron Robinson and last minute he happened to have the day off to cruise up and add some of his guitar magic to the Windsor recordings.

Aaron was recently hired on to play in a band called Sea Wolf. Sea Wolf is one of my new favorite indie bands and they are going on their 3rd US tour this summer with a new popular band called The Silversun Pickups. Check out the Silversun Pickups song “Lazy Eye” if you get a chance.

Recording at Sjoerd Koppert’s went really well we tracked guitars in this world class studio next door to Oprah’s house and Christy Brinkley. It’s quite a celeb neighborhood. The Abercrombie family also lives nearby and it was funny because one of the Abercrobie daughters had a crush on Sjoerd.

I recorded new songs called “You Used To Tell Me”, “Never Never”, “The Enemy”, and acoustic song “Just Stay”.

My KTLA Reporter brother and lead guitarist for Windsor was stuck reporting at Paris Hilton’s jail cell for most of the day but he made it to the studio that evening just in time to finish his parts. I’m really excited to show everyone the new songs. I think that these will be the best recordings I have ever done in my life so far.

Look for them on myspace or iTunes in a couple months…

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